Download mods for MX vs ATV Reflex and more!
This is the Replica for the 2016 Atlanta Supercross track (obviously), the layout is based off the real life race, not the track map.
Gotta give a big 1.5L measurement cup-sized thank you to *STS* Ds19 for all of the hard work that he also put into this track (object placement + customs, placing
kidzorro's custom-made bales/gate/finish, and splines)
Public Service Announcement to the Reflex Community/players: I think it's safe to say that all of the track makers and I agree that putting in all of the time/hard
work into these tracks is often not recognized by a large portion of the community. Countless hours/weeks/even months of our own spare time goes into making these
tracks for you guys, without earning any profit other than the GOOD feedback and downloads, "the track creators decide what the track is going to be like, players have
to deal with it.. I don't care about your feedback/opinion until you pay me for making these tracks" -wise words from my good friend, Veikkeli. A lot of you guys are
grateful and appreciative towards us, but this is for the large amount that is not, commenting stuff like...
"the ruts don't grab you well, they need improvement"
"the scaling is bad"
"the track is too wide"
"TOO MANY WEEDS BORDERING THE TRACK" -on a track meant to have an overgrown feel to it -\_-
"track is too tight"
"track is too hard"
"the whoops are a tad too big"
People will upload their BETA version of their track, and may be looking for feedback on improvements/how players like it, but when a track is uploaded in a final
state, the creater is NOT going to reupload their track over something you want changed,
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